25+ Experts Share Their Healthy Tips for 2021

by | Feb 5, 2021 | Article, Covid Sanity Pack, Healthy Eating, Media, Move More, Workouts and Exercises.

Because of the global pandemic, 2020 has been a difficult year for all of us. We’re all in the comforts of our homes, all day, every day. With this, most people have fallen out of their healthy lifestyle and adapted to a sedentary one. But, not for long.

The new year has come upon us and has provided a new start. Most people are looking into getting back on their workout routine and eating clean again. To give you some tips on how to begin your fitness goals in 2021, we’ve collected some helpful suggestions from distinguished health experts.

Your decision to be healthier this 2021 is going to be life-changing. These expert tips will not only make you stronger but will also make you feel and look better. Furthermore, stay positive and believe that better days are coming.

Kathleen’s tip:

STOP “wishing” for better health. Stop talking about the workouts you plan to do. “Hope” is not a viable strategy. Start ACTING.

Start intentionally taking steps to ensure that the “future you” is healthy and happy!! Take actions today that “vote” for the future “you” that you desire! The actions you take today create the “you” of tomorrow!!

Make your workouts convenient. Pick workouts that are fun. Have realistic goals. Create a plan – health doesn’t just “happen”. Schedule in our workouts. Stock your fridge with healthy food. Set boundaries – learn to say “NO” to the things that don’t serve you so you can say “YES” to the things that do! Think “done is better than perfect”. Something is always better than nothing. Aim for CONSISTENT DAILY motion!! Consistency is what matters. The benefits of the “best” workout are moot if you can’t make yourself do the workout. The two hour “perfect” workout you do once every month will NEVER elicit the results of daily small bouts of consistent motion.

To read other tips see the original post at Health Web Magazine