Mindset by Carol Dweck
Since this is a health website let’s discuss the significance of a growth mindset toward health. When you fall off your fitness horse (we all do — we are all human), get back on as quickly as possible and, possibly more critically, get on a more informed rider. Course correct quickly and learn from everything. Understand your health process as a giant feedback loop. For example, I (mostly) gravitate toward healthy foods and love exercise, but if I sleep in rather than workout or if I eat a cookie, instead of shaming myself, I take a moment to reflect. Was sleeping beneficial?
Did I need it more than a workout? Did I love the cookie? Am I proud of my choices? If so, great. No guilt. If my future self would have been happier if I had worked out or had an apple, then I ask myself why I made that less-than-ideal choice. Did I skip the workout because I stayed up too late the night before? Did I want the cookie because I let myself get too hungry? Once I know the answers, I use them to figure out how to set myself up for success next time. Maybe I need to move my alarm clock across the room or always carry a healthy snack. Basically, “lean in” to learning and growing — always.