I spent the first half of my life hating myself and my body. Now I’m dedicated to spending the rest of my life helping YOU love and respect yours.

Because nobody should have to spend their one precious and only life living in a cloud of body shame.

I spent the first half of my life hating myself and my body. Now I’m dedicated to spending the rest of my life helping YOU love and respect yours.

Because nobody should have to spend their one precious and only life living in a cloud of body shame.

Hey there, I’m Kathleen. I’m a health coach but my goal isn’t that you lose weight or eat right.

Yes, you heard me right.

My only goal is to help you achieve
YOUR goal.

If you want to get stronger, more mobile, or work to get out of pain… we can make that happen.

If your goal is to lose weight – great! We can work on that.

Your goals depend on one thing: respecting yourself enough to make choices that serve YOU.

If I had a goal for you, it would be to help you love yourself again OR for the first time, find joy in simply moving your body and giving it the nourishment it needs – withOUT restricting you down to rice cakes and celery juice…and finally, to turn your motivation into determination.

So you can achieve what it is you really want.

Now, I’m not saying that self-respect and loving yourself is a magic health bullet. But implementing long-term, sustainable change simply isn’t possible without it.

If “loving yourself” seems insurmountable at this moment, no problem, let us start with self-“like” or “self-parent.”

I want you to care for yourself in the way you would care for your child, or friend, or pet. I want you to respect yourself enough to make choices that serve you.

I want you to be your own caregiver. I want to embolden you with the tools, strategies, and mindset needed to kick your health into a new gear! I want you to become the hero of your own health journey.

I want you to set and achieve your health goals like the strong resilient human you are.

You have the skills. I know you do. You use them to parent, do a killer job at work or take care of your home. Now let’s take those skills and apply them to your health!

What I do is my own brand of “ass-kicking” motivation with the compassion and grace so often missing in traditional health coaching and diet culture.

Because really, that’s what people need. An ear to listen when things don’t go as planned and feel tough, the right words to encourage, and a blend of motivation and accountability that makes sure you feel supported and see results.

Now, don’t mistake “compassion” with “taking it easy”. We will work hard. I will hold your toes to the fire. I will just hold you accountable in a productive way vs in a shame filled cruel way. Even better, I will teach you to be accountable to YOURSELF.

Eventually, you won’t need me to listen and help you noodle through your health missteps. You will have the tools to recognize the misstep, course correct and get back on your horse a more informed rider.

Doesn’t that sound better than telling you the only path to health is diets and insane workouts?

Adopting a Healthier Lifestyle Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Too many of us buy into the myth that you can lose weight quickly and then keep it off easily.
This sets us up for health failure.

That’s the mindset that I needed back when I was first on my health journey – a journey that I’m still on after 20+ years… that it’s not going to happen for me overnight, and I can’t go from step A to Z in one workout.

I didn’t start my journey knowing what I was doing. I hated my body, didn’t move enough, and didn’t feel my feelings… I overate to compensate instead.

I struggled hard. And thanks to my mom, I figured out that I had to become my own health hero. That meant figuring out what worked for ME… instead of trying to fit into what other people said was right.

You can’t fit a square peg into a round hole!

I struggled because I hated team sports and felt awkward being active around kids my own age. So my mom got me a membership to the YMCA where everyone there was over 40 or under 5… allowing me to focus on ME instead of the anxiety I felt.

I found a gentle way in. I met myself where I was. You have to find your way in. Your “first step.”

I had a champion on my side encouraging me every step of the way (thanks mom!)… and now that I’m a certified health coach, I get to teach and encourage people just like you so you don’t have to do it alone, either.

It’s why I became a fitness expert. It’s why I’m constantly in motion. It’s why I’m always learning, speaking and coaching. It’s why I’m so passionate about helping others.

I know the value of having someone in your corner, gently guiding and compassionately showing the way… even if sometimes I’ve got to push hard and kick your ass a little bit (with love!) to make it happen.

Trying to do this alone is just too overwhelming and is so disappointing when it (again) doesn’t work out and you’re back where you started.

Don’t just take MY word for it… 

See what those who have BEEN IN OUR SHOES
have to say…


Engaged The Audience with Candor, Kindness & Understanding!

“Kathleen Trotter is an enthusiastic, positive, and engaging speaker!  Her insights on finding, developing, and maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle are inspiring and helpful to all!  When speaking with the audience, Kathleen makes sure to answer all questions with candor, kindness, and understanding.  This led overwhelmingly to the audience expressing their curiosity and interest.  Truly a pleasure to have Kathleen Trotter speak about ‘Finding Your Fit!’”


Library Series

Her Passion is Infectious!

“Kathleen spoke as a guest lecturer for my Exercise Science students at Concordia University. She was a superb speaker, extremely dynamic, insightful, and wonderfully entertaining. Students greatly appreciated her experience both as a one-on-one trainer [and] as a speaker/communicator on the circuit. She has a tremendous wealth of knowledge and her passion about fitness is infectious. I cannot recommend her highly enough!”

Tracie, student

She Personally Motivated ME In Addition to the Attendees

“I had the absolute honor and pleasure of having Kathleen Trotter join us as our Guest Speaker for our annual Women of Impact Event this year. The 400+ attendees across the country enjoyed her talk and felt inspired and engaged. She is a captivating motivational speaker who can connect with her audience in a unique way. To this day, people are still sharing their experiences applying all the valuable advice they learned from her talk. I was personally motivated to sign up for my very first 10k run and it was all because of Kathleen’s inspirational and motivational words (or as she would say “Kathleenisms”).”


Toronto Co-lead, Cisco Connected Women

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