Globe & Mail Article: I’m bored of my elliptical trainer

by | Aug 23, 2011 | Article, Workouts and Exercises.

The question

I have my own elliptical trainer and regularly use it for 30 minutes at a time, but I am bored. Can you suggest some different ways to use it – maybe some interval-style workouts?

The answer

I always tell my clients that consistency is key. That said, I wouldn’t want you to lose your motivation due to boredom. Try these variations on the basic workout to spice up your cardio routine and ward off any potential fitness plateau.

Variation 1: Interval pyramid workout

5 minutes at a low intensity to warm up

2 minutes at a hard intensity / 3 minutes moderate

3 minutes at a hard intensity / 2 minutes moderate

4 minutes at a hard intensity / 1 minute moderate

4 minutes at a hard intensity / 1 minute moderate

3 minutes at a hard intensity / 2 minutes moderate

2 minutes at a hard intensity / 3 minutes at an easy intensity to cool down.

Variation 2: Pick-ups

5 minutes easy intensity to warm up

10 minutes of “pick-ups,” where you do constant tension but alternate 45 seconds at regular speed with 15 seconds at a fast speed.

10 minutes of “pick-ups” with constant tension but alternating 15 seconds at a regular speed and 45 seconds at a fast speed.

5 minutes at low intensity to cool down.

Trainer’s Tip

If you belong to a gym, don’t limit yourself to the elliptical machine. Make use of your gym membership and try the pick-ups and/or the interval pyramid workout on other pieces of cardio equipment.

Originally published at The Globe & Mail