by Kathleen Trotter | Apr 18, 2021 | Amazing Book Reviews from a fitness and health perspective., Blog, Book Reviews from a fitness and health perspective., Covid Sanity Pack, Walk Run Jog
Advice Not Given—by Mark Epstein (Or in Kathleen speak: Want to Get Healthier? Shake the Trance of Desire. Get Comfortable in Discomfort) In Advice Not Given, Mark Epstein attempts to demonstrate the transformative power of marrying psychotherapy and Buddhism. His...
by Kathleen Trotter | Jan 20, 2021 | Amazing Book Reviews from a fitness and health perspective., Blog, Book Reviews from a fitness and health perspective., Walk Run Jog
Emotional Agility–By Susan David by Kathleen Trotter | Jan 20, 2021 A.K.A. How to let go of “dead people’s goals” and use emotions as “data” not directives! By Susan David Emotional Agility is a must-read and Susan David’s podcast Checking In is a must-listen....
by Kathleen Trotter | Jan 20, 2021 | Blog, Book Reviews from a fitness and health perspective., Walk Run Jog
A.K.A. How to let go of “dead people’s goals” and use emotions as “data” not directives! By Susan David Emotional Agility is a must-read and Susan David’s podcast Checking In is a must-listen. David is one of those thinkers who just gets in your head—in a good way!...
by Kathleen Trotter | Jan 8, 2021 | Amazing Book Reviews from a fitness and health perspective., Blog, Book Reviews from a fitness and health perspective.
Predictably Irrational-By Dan Ariely The brain is simultaneously our superpower and our kryptonite; we have an almost exhaustible ability to consciously and unconsciously “screw” our future selves. The human brain, like fire, can feed and fuel, but it can also kill …...
by Kathleen Trotter | Jan 8, 2021 | Blog, Book Reviews from a fitness and health perspective.
The brain is simultaneously our superpower and our kryptonite; we have an almost exhaustible ability to consciously and unconsciously “screw” our future selves. The human brain, like fire, can feed and fuel, but it can also kill … and by “kill” I mean kill our...
by Kathleen Trotter | Dec 15, 2020 | Blog, Newsletter
December 2020 Newsletter A little bit about making these holidays a little happier and a little about making YOU a bit happier. Check out my latest newsletter. READ...