by Kathleen Trotter | Apr 13, 2023 | Amazing Book Reviews from a fitness and health perspective., Growth Mindset.
The brain is wired to keep us alive, not healthy or happy. Anxiety is one of the many tools the brain uses to keep us alive. Anxiety is extremely appropriate in some circumstances. Feeling uneasy when walking down a dark alley has utility; it nudges you to stay alert...
by Kathleen Trotter | Mar 15, 2023 | Amazing Book Reviews from a fitness and health perspective., Growth Mindset.
When it comes to our health it is all too easy to be our own “near enemy”—to act and think in ways that make us feel that we are working toward a goal, when really, we are sabotaging our success. All too often we are both Caesar and Brutus and jab a knife into our own...
by Kathleen Trotter | Feb 17, 2023 | Amazing Book Reviews from a fitness and health perspective., Growth Mindset.
The Near Enemies of Health: Awareness, Buddhism, Emotional Granulation, Near Enemies, and Brené Brown Stop being your own “near enemy.” Life will throw you enough lemons—you don’t need to bamboozle yourself with an avalanche of fruit. All terrible lemon jokes aside,...
by Kathleen Trotter | Feb 1, 2023 | Monday Moves.
Today we’re going to “feel the burn” and do some awesome leg lifts. You’re going to train the side of your glute to work without the pelvis or hip rotating back and the shoulders coming forward. * Lie down on your side as if you were lying against a wall. Keep your...
by Kathleen Trotter | Feb 1, 2023 | Move More, Audio
In this episode of Don’t Wait for Your Wake-up Call with Melissa Dealy Kathleen shares her story as a teen feeling depressed and not wanting to get out of bed or go to gym class, not liking sports, and then how her Mother shared with her that movement is...